zeeyta sam

The Writer

Hello and Welcome to My Official Blog fat zomba(s). Ku bukan lah writer yang terkenal, just writer untuk diri sendiri sahaja. I just shared what I like and feel. Put your own words. I hope you like my new skins. Thank you :)

Travel This Site

The Cbox Song

♦ URL blog wajib ade not email
♦ Harsh words & Anon not allowed

Please Click my Nuffnang for Supporting on My Wedding Collection. T.Q :)


This skin is made by : Mrs AF
Some helped from :
Unnie Atiqah
Some coding from :
Fatin Hazwani
Using basecode :
Aishah Baharudin

All rights reserved ® zeeytasam 2011 - 2012

Segmen - BW & FOLLOW by iza zaty

Thursday, May 31, 2012 Thursday, May 31, 2012 43 Atashinci(s)

Di tag lagi tuk join segmen ^___^
Ramainyer yang tag Zeeta. Tenkiu awak sume sebab sudi tag Zeeta =)

Kali nie di tag oleh aien ^_^ thanks a lot dear.
Awak sume nak join tak..? mari join ramai2.. hehehe
klik SINI
Pape hal tengok kat link atas tu yer.
Zeeta mao tag fatin and asfizashary

Good Luck uollss

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Before You leave my page, PLEASE click my Nuffnang for supporting on my wedding collection. T.Q :)